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Adj. - Used to describe an idea, concept, or object in which when being looked upon or described, it sounds extremely messed up and should not exist based on standard moral parameters.

Note: This term is used to denote anything dirty, sexual-looking, or just plain weird, not psychotic expressionism

Synonyms: brainf***, mindf***

Dad: Hey there, son. Whatcha doin'?
Son: *Looking*
Dad: That's brainbroke, son

by Iwantfrineds March 28, 2023


Noun - A letter of any alphabet that is symmetrical when cut in any direction, be it lengthwise or other.

Uppercase A is a hallettrome when split from the top. Lowercase X is one as well, but this time both length- and width-wise

by Iwantfrineds March 31, 2023


A game where nobody talks


by Iwantfrineds May 27, 2019

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary

A cancerous site I probably should not be on, and neither should you.

Donรขย€ย™t use Urban Dictionary, son. Itรขย€ย™s cursed.

by Iwantfrineds December 22, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Russian search engine. Serves other places, too. The results are useful. If you can read them.

A: What search engine should I use today?
B: Yandex.
A: Bruh.

by Iwantfrineds December 22, 2020


Verb - To spit at one with such force that it gives the victim physical pain, almost as if they've been shot. This verb is typically used with animals, humans and any other living thing that can express pain.

"John used to spulletate on my forehead. It hurt a lot."

by Iwantfrineds March 30, 2023


Pieces of fine yarn all over your body. You can theoretically knit with it, but if you knew where it came from, would you really?

Hair is just yarn you can't afford. It's priceless.

by Iwantfrineds December 31, 2020

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