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One who is both a sped (Special+Ed=Sped) and licks nuts. Both a term of hatred and endearment, usually used after a stupid/obvious comment is said or action is performed.

1-Jessica Alba is hot.
2-Hey, figure that one out all by yourself, spednutz?

by J and T January 22, 2006


when a fat hoe is being a ...hoe

shut th e fuck up slutso

by J and T June 27, 2003

7👍 2👎

jenna jameson

a degree of hottness that is very very very hard to come buy

That fine chick counts as a Jenna Jameson

by J and T June 27, 2003

375👍 1246👎


a really bad haircut in the 80s

any singer or rapper who had a gumby in the 80s floped

by J and T June 27, 2003

67👍 53👎