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Poop spank

Telling someone that you have to poop, but really you are going to jerk off.

Bill said that he had to go poop right after seeing the celebrity nude leaks. I bet he is really going to poop spank it.

by J-M0NEYS November 24, 2014

2👍 2👎


slang term for a vagina

I'm gonna kick that bitch in the smush!!

by J-M0NEYS January 20, 2009

7👍 26👎


Nickname for someone who has a reputation for getting drunk or pilled up and having a train run on them

Amber is coming to this party? After that pill whore gets here we are all gonna get to hop on the A-train

by J-M0NEYS April 4, 2010

8👍 20👎


theme for when someone lowers onto a phallus object, comes from terminator 2 when the terminator is lowering into the molten steel to be destroyed.

If things go good on my date tonight i might get some of the old duh-nuh-nuuh from Becky

by J-M0NEYS January 20, 2009