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Jump Out Boys

'Jump Out Boys' is a phrase used to describe police, detectives, undercover officers, and other law enforcement personel.
More specifically the term refers to officers involved in sting opereations. (Narcotics, Prostitution, Organized Crime etc.)
The 'Jump Out Boys' are usually either the swat team, or the cops on stake outs inside the sound van, listening in on wire taps or wired informants. When tipped off, or alerted, these officers are known to jump out of the vehicle and subdue suspects by force, thus the term 'Jump Out Boys'.
They ride in unmarked vehicles, typically vans, trucks, and vehicles without windows.
Some gangs and/or squads are known tocall themselves 'Jump Out Boys' due to their simmilar, jump out style.

"See that U-Haul across the street, It's the 'jump out boys'. They been watchin us for three days."
"I got hemmed up by the 'jump out boys' last night. I was walkin home from the spot and they came out of nowhere!"

by JGSR April 1, 2006

340πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž

Chicken Hawk

A person who is always looking for a way to get something (usually for free) from other people, instead of getting their own!

Typically a 'Chicken Hawk' will see what others have and try to weasel a way in.

Similar to a hawk that kills the farmers chicken rather than hunting for itself.

Everytime I get my sack out, the Chicken Hawks come and sit by me tryin' to get high for free!

Quit Chicken Hawkin' my plate, go make your own fuckin' food!

Quit lookin' over my shoulder you Chicken Hawk!

My family is full of Chicken Hawks, as soon an they see me with money in my hand, they ask for some of it!

by JGSR November 24, 2007

39πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž


Derived from Alligator. 'Gata' is slang for Gator
The alligator stays hidden in the water until some unsuspecting prey comes to the waterhole to drink, then it attacks. The waterhole is a place where most animals exist together peacefully, the cheetahs drink from the waterhole next to the antelope. It represents a social setting of sorts, where all the animals coincide. The Gator on the other hand, creeps steathly in the waterhole and preys on other animals when they aren't ready. The gator, or "Gata" victimizes other animals to get what it needs.

"Gata" is used to desribe a sneaky, scandalous person.
A "Gata" would go after a vulnerable person or someone who is easy to take advantage of and usually strikes quietly, without warning, when you least expect it.
Someone who shows no love for anyone else.
A 'Gata' is usually willing to fuck over his friends and family for his own benefit.

"Dont do business with him, that nigga's a Gata, man."
"I'll take that fool's shit, I'm a fuckin Gata."
"We're hommies, don't act like a Gata toward me!"
"Let's do this mofucka Gata style, hit 'em up when he ain't expecting it"
"I'm a gata, I dont give a fuck about anybody else, but me"
"Me and my hommies are all Gatas, fuck what ya heard, we don't play!"

by JGSR March 21, 2006

39πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue is an ailment caused by ingesting an excessive amount of Chronic.
Also, the drowsy, dragged down feeling, after having been very high.
See Chronic Bronchitis.

"I don't feel awake in the morning untill I've smoked some chronic. Actually, I don't feel awake afterwards, either. I think I suffer from Chronic Fatigue."
"I'm startin' to come down. If I dont smoke some more my Chronic Fatigue will set in."

by JGSR July 22, 2006

22πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is addicted to methamphetamine.
Specifically, someone binging, or really high on meth.
Someone going overboard cleaning, working, talking, etc, while using Meth, could be labeled as a 'Tweekosaurus-Rex'.
Anyone who persistantly acts wild, crazy or erratic while on Meth, is a 'Tweekosaurus-Rex'
Someone who cant sit still, relax, or settle down.
Someone who over concentrates or over orginizes things.
Someone who tweeks alot or the biggest tweeker.

"Knock it off, you Tweekosaurus-Rex!"
"Wow, your house is clean! Yeah, my roomate's a Tweekosaaurus-Rex."

by JGSR March 22, 2006

26πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A bum or hobo, a crackhead, a fiend or begger.
Someone who is involved in drugs and other such things.
A homeless or nearly homeless person.
Swerves usually are: uneducated and dumb, dirty, smelly, unattractive, and have missing teeth and messy hair.
A swerve is fully, totally 100% dedicated to anything and everything they have to do to get what they want and needs, usually getting drugs, alcohol, tobacco, a prostitute, etc.
Swerves generally are found in groups, and on street corners or alleyways.

"Dont give that swerve a dollar!"
"Get the fuck outta my face, you fuckin swerve!"
"I need to sell this shit, Where all the swerves at?"
"Clean yourself up, you fuckin swerve!"
"If you got a couple bucks, or a rock, a swerve will clean your house, wash your car, steal shit and bring it to you, they'll evev kill someone for you!"

by JGSR March 21, 2006

122πŸ‘ 267πŸ‘Ž


A Kick-Do' is a word that describes an altercation in which you plan to kick down the door and enter someone's home. The purpose of a Kick-Do' is usually to rob and/or harm the resident, burglary, steal and vandalize property, or to take refuge.
A Kick-Do' typically occurs at night, but can strike at anytime, esspecially when least expected.
Normally 2 or more men perpatrate a Kick-Do', however women and
Solo-Acts have been known to occur.

"That fool ain't home! Let's pull a Kick-Do' and clean out his whole house!"

"We did this Kick-Do' and robbed some ballers! We just busted down the door and took their shit! It happened so fast there was nothin they could do!"

"It looks like bums Kick-Do'ed that abondoned house next door! Now they're living in it!"

by JGSR July 25, 2006

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž