Source Code


'CC' or Double 'C'

Used by Crip Gang members to replace 'CK' in any word.
'CK' - Abbreviation for 'Crip Killer' a term used by rival gangs.

Crips may also add a silent 'K' after any 'B' to represent the expression 'BK' (Blood Killer), such as BKlood, or BKloCC

BloCC/BKloCC , RoCC, LoCC, CraCC, GloCC, AttaCC, RuCCus, KnuCCles, StuCC, Etc

by JGSR November 29, 2007

187πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž


short version of 'What-Had-Happened-Was'
Used to describe an even that happened.

"Wu-ha-happewuz, I got pulled over, and they sent me to jail."
"Why were you late last night? Well, 'wu-ha-happewuz' I ran into my hommy....."

by JGSR March 22, 2006

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Chronic Bronchitis

Chronic Bronchitis is a condition developed from smoking Chronic for a very long time. Some one with Chronic Bronchitis will cough and hack their guts out nearly everytime they take a hit. See Chronic Fatigue.

"My Uncle Bob suffers from Chronic Bronchitis. He can't even smoke a bowl with out almost choking to death"

by JGSR July 22, 2006

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The classic Nike Cortez, worn best with fat laces.

Original Gangsta kicks, see also Chucks

The new J's are ugly and cost too much, but the Dopemans will always be hard!"

by JGSR November 17, 2007

72πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Dime Bag

'Dime Bag' is a general term for $10 worth of weed.
Back in the day, a Quarter Ounce (7 Grams) only cost $10. An eighth cost $5, thus the terms, nickel bag and dime bag.
Some cicles still refer to a Quarter Ounce as a 'Dime Bag'.

"Man, We need a dime bag!"

by JGSR July 14, 2006

1257πŸ‘ 541πŸ‘Ž



Love is only accomplished by Learning about one another in order to Overcome our inhibitions. Only then, can we Value each other as human beings and find a way to Embrace our differences.

Coined by the rapper JG.

"Why would I rather hate,
Than reach out to my brother?
Loving is learning,
Overcomming, Valuing, and then Embracing each other!
Cuz what's life without L.O.V.E.?"

by JGSR July 14, 2006

34πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A Hot car that you don't intend to have for long. A car that was stolen, in order to use it for a crime or other purposes. A getaway car or a joy riding car.
Also, a car that has been borrowed to you for any reason.

"Man, I had to run from the cops in my Loaner last night."
"Hey, you still got that Loaner? I got a Lick I need to use it for tonight."
"Cops are stupid, i've been ridin' this Loaner for 6 months now!"

by JGSR July 17, 2006

27πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž