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gay head

a bald fellow, or a fellow content to go bareheaded. So called because such fellows are regarded as looking gay.

Baldy Detective Kojak is quite the gay head!
Jim, Jamie, Matt, Matt, Robert, Tom, Harun, Hayden, Harvey, Bill, David, Greg, Uriah, Kenny, Fargo, and Theo are all gay heads; none of them ever wear a hat, no matter how cold it is.

by JMC70 January 29, 2021

work release

A system where prisoners work to get paid while serving their sentences.

When Patrick was in prison,he worked at Prospect Hill Cemetery for work release.

by JMC70 October 21, 2017

teddy bear

a virile man who is nevertheless very gentle and kindhearted,in spite of his gruff manner.

10-year-old Michael's Uncle Lou,who is a big fat man with a rough manner,is really such a teddy bear. He and nephew Michael often fish together, and he is very loving towards his 3-year-old son Patrick,Michael's little cousin.

by JMC70 January 16, 2017

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She loves me,she loves me not

The popular game played by a fellow to find out if the girl of his dreams loves him,by plucking the petals from a flower,or by plucking any soft material,by chanting "She loves me,she loves me not," over and over,until all the petals or material is gone.

Kenny,Kevin,Uriah,Harun,Jamie,Matt,Robert,Bill,Jim,and Tom all played the game of She loves me,she loves me not, by plucking the pompoms on their snowhats.

by JMC70 December 24, 2016

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A fellow regarded as arrogant and snobby. Typically one who is eligible to wear such impressive winter gear such as deerstalker hats, cowboy hats, plain skullcaps and overcoats and scorns any guys who wear winter jackets and either go bareheaded or wear pansy headgear such as pompom snow hats or baseball caps. So called because their attitude resembles that of a typical "White Anglo Saxon Protestant," snobby and condescending.

"Coach Stillman and Nathan are such WASPS, always trampling us just because they wear impressive headgear and overcoats while we wear winter jackets and go bareheaded," said Robert and Hayden.

Todd is quite the WASPtowards Tom, just because Todd wears impressive headgear and an overcoat while Tom either goes bareheaded or wears a pompom snowcat or baseball cap and a winter jacket. Once Todd even slapped the letter U and the number 3 on Tom's bare head; what a WASP!

Gary is also quite the WASP towards poor Jim, especially when he sees Jim lose his pompom snow hat in winter.

by JMC70 March 16, 2019

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adoptive identical twin

Someone who is the smarter one of identical twins,hence the term.

Brock is Uriah's adoptive identical twin, since Brock won a medal at high school graduation and Uriah did not,Brock was always on the honor roll while Uriah never was,and finally,Brock went to college while Uriah just worked after high school.
Musa is Harun's adoptive identical twin, since Musa won a medal at high school graduation and Harun did not,and Musa always made dean's list while Harun never did.

by JMC70 January 8, 2017


Someone who is habitually gloomy or grouchy.

Harun is such a sourpuss that he never even smiles for the camera.

by JMC70 March 11, 2018

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