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A really attractive guy. A guy who get's more girls than seemingly possible by his looks.

That guy is soooo Cort.

by JUAN December 17, 2003

326πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž


One of the best emcees out right now.

Overcast! owns all of you.

by JUAN August 30, 2003

132πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž

Porn Funk

The type of groovy music found on porn soundtracks.

I got a boner as soon as the porn funk started playing with those hot chicks in the video.

by JUAN February 18, 2005

59πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


This defenition is used for a cool, volumptuious, fine kitty-cat who gets all the men, but is honorable to just one. This background comes from mid-eighteenth century in southern new york and traveled downward during the century to where it reached Cuba and is now mainly used in southern Florida.

" That chick is acting like such a yessenia. WOW! I don't want her, I want a bitch!!"

by JUAN January 10, 2005

255πŸ‘ 174πŸ‘Ž


v. to dictate with blind optimism based on purely qualitative statements with absolutely no basis in fact whatsoever. It may or may not involve gross hypocrisy depending on what an adjudicator appointed by the 'blunketter' decides. You can make the definition circular by describing the adjudicator to the 'blunkettee' as 'independent'.

'Sorry, no Christmas presents for the bairns this year, love, the boss has blunketted our overtime, saying it protects us by complying with the European Working Time Directive.'

'Stop that, I don't like it, or I'll blunkett you! For your own good.'

by JUAN December 4, 2004

12πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


faggot in spanish

Tony Montana: " You Fucking Maricons"

by JUAN December 29, 2004

2145πŸ‘ 492πŸ‘Ž

music theory

1. The study of musical structure and aesthetics, concerning chord structures, musical intervals, rythms, meters, scales, etc.

2. Something that the majority of modern music artists lack knowlege of

Most recording artists seem to think that fashionable clothes and expensive studio recordings, rather than solid music theory, can make their music good.

by JUAN September 29, 2003

212πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž