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The popular kids friend

Someone asked a question once

“Why do the popular kids friends get less attention?”
Well here is the answer

The popular kids probably get more attention because they’re… popular it’s literally in the name as the popular kids friends are probably going to get replaced later on. If the popular kids friend is popular they will probably have no issue finding another friend/friend group but if they’re unpopular then this could be a challenge.
Now they could have different levels of finding friends based on how social they are

Social: easy. (Just need to be nice enough to become friends)
In between: both (they could loose some trust though).
Not social: most likely to talk to their self instead of finding new friends.

If you’re not social like me then you will probably find social media (huge mistake) and if they post anything about their feelings they are probably going to get bullied online/cyber bullied and their confidence will go down.

Also they are probably going to get used as a map and people will ask where the popular kid is every single second,every single millisecond when they are just minding their own business trying to take a break from talking.

Conversation I’ve had being the popular kids friend

Me: oh- um hi how can I help you?
Person:do you know where popular kid is?
Me: oh uhm they’re over there…
Person: *walks away*

by Jadaaa!! January 29, 2023

Your crush liking someone else 😀

When your crush likes someone else it can be a really hard time for you. Especially if they talk about their crush/crushes to you but you don’t know what to say so all you do is give them advice and tell them to ask their crush out or something because you just want them to be happy.

A conversation that could possibly happen if your crush likes someone else: (don’t worry about it happening btw it’s a possibility)

Crush: I like (friends name)
You: oh you should tell them or make something for them I think they would really appreciate it 😀
Crush: okay I will 😁
You: yeah..

Your crush liking someone else 😀

It’s really bad

by Jadaaa!! April 29, 2023

May 4th

Fight your ex best friend day no matter what you think will happen. You will get your revenge on them (unless you’re the reason you are ex best friends). And you will be the most amazing person the world has ever seen.

you: it’s may 4th

ex best friend: okay?

You: *punches ex best friend in the face*

Ex best friend: *⚰️* (don’t take the ⚰️ part too seriously I don’t want it going that far)

by Jadaaa!! April 29, 2023


Their called crushes because they crush your heart

Especially if they like your “best friends” and you don’t know what to do anymore because you feel like they will never like you even though you could be the kindest person on earth they only care about the beauty (you are the real beauty but crushes are usually blind when you show the most obvious signs of you liking them, your amazing personality and prettiness/handsomeness)
Crushes most of the time need to get their eyes checked out

If you are lucky they might like you back

Crush: I like your best friend:)

Crush: sorry I meant BEST FRIENDS

Me:oh you should tell them

by Jadaaa!! February 7, 2023