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A name that is older than Charlemagne. Visigoth knights and dukes were named “Sancho.” As well as the names of several ancient Spanish Kings, descended from Charlemagne. If there kid was named Pedro, He would be called Pedro Sanchez, which means, “Pedro son of Sancho.”

As in “Hola, my name is King Sancho, the Great... this is my son Pedro Sanchez... (Vote for Pedro Sanchez!”)

by Jaksanz July 6, 2020

6👍 4👎


A masculine Spanish word that can be tossed into an English sentence to describe a male, who is mean or bad, especially in southwestern states. (Feminine would be mala)

He’s a malo.

Your dog is MALO!

by Jaksanz July 7, 2020


One of most common, white, generic names ever, especially in the recent past. Often used as a name in word problems and telemarketers probably use it to practice their spiels or people can use it to denote just anyone, kind of like “John Doe.”

Aw man! The Jones took up half of the whites pages in the phone book and the rest was Smiths back in the day.

by Jaksanz July 7, 2020