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A cough cough that can also be known to some (Donald trump) as the Chinese virus, because a certain Chinese person ate a bat and got the virus, it’s also bad enough to have killed over 100,000 people so far and stopping everyone from doing things they want to do

Guy #1: coughs*

Guy#2: have you got corona?

Guy#1: no but I have Budweiser

Guy#2: no not the beer, the virus, coronavirus

Guy#1: yes

Guy#1 and 2: dies*

by JamHam04 April 26, 2020

4👍 3👎


PewDiePie’s current bitch while they sit in 2nd place for most subscribed youtube channel, not that it actually matters anymore, because every good content creators channel is going to die, including pewds, thanks to article 13.

Guy#1: hey, did you hear how close t-series is to passing PewDiePie in subscribers?

Guy#2: who cares anymore? YouTube is dying now thanks to article 13.

Guy #1 and 2 together: fuck you article 13!

by JamHam04 December 17, 2018

1836👍 363👎