Source Code


code name for horny used by chatters

Messaged person: Wassup?
Horny person: Nadda VERY bored...you?
Messaged person: Bored here too! *wink*
Horny person: *nice* wanna fuck?

by Jamesknapper September 15, 2005

38πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

trolling for

When in fishing, 'trolling' is where a fisher slowly meanders a lake with bait in the water hoping to attract a fish to bite. On the internet, one can go 'trolling for' some sort of response, or activity.

Sometimes you hit someone up for sex, and that's called trolling for dick.

Bro 1 "Yo, the other night on Facebook some guy messaged me to play pool."
Bro 2 "Awww man, that's awesome, did you go? "
Bro 1 "Naw man, I didn't. Turns out he didn't wanna play pool after all, he gave me a bj because we was just trolling for dick."

by Jamesknapper January 18, 2017

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A dirty cock after pulling out of a dirty ass.

Derived from the visual of a melted "Snickers" bar.

when your boyfriend or girlfriend hasn't cleaned the pipes before a backdoor intrusion you often pull out a snickers.

by Jamesknapper September 15, 2005

12πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Nice shoes, wanna Netflix and chill?

A super-direct way to get in the door for a fuck. Netflix and chill, means that you are going to go over to your partners house and fuck with Netflix in the background. The compliment about the shoes, ensures this approach's effectiveness.

Bromigo 1: Yo, me and Karen totally just fucked to "Despicable Me 2"
Bromigo 2: Bruh...dude! How'd you get her to agree to that!?!
Bromigo 1: I said what any proper gentleman would, "Nice Shoes, wanna Netflix and Chill?"

by Jamesknapper September 4, 2015

gap man

Also known as rebound, a man that you're with or a hook up that doesn't represent what you want in a husband, but works for now.

Sometimes you think he's your new boo, or sometimes you know he's just a fling or a fuck boy, and sometimes you don't know.

"Hey, who's that new guy with Jenni?"
"Ohh, yea, that's Meyher."
"He's fine! Is that her new boo?"
"Yea, but he lives in his parents basement and plays video games all day. He's just her gap man."

by Jamesknapper October 24, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

gap man

A man that will never be your husband, but you use as a fuckboy between bfs.

"Hey Jenni, is that your new bf?"
"Is he the one? Husband material?"
"Naw, he's just good in bed and I got bored."
"Ahh, your gap man"

by Jamesknapper October 24, 2018


Rubbing the cock with another cock to blow a wad. It usually ends up in a big ole mess of cum.

Are you into Frottage?

by Jamesknapper September 15, 2005

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