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three beer queer

1.someone who is drunk off of or pretends to be drunk off of, consuming very few beers.

1. that lightweight only drank 3 beers, and he is allready passed out. What a three beer queer.

by Jamm627 April 12, 2006

40👍 81👎


1. A nickname for someones penis, implying it's large size.
2. Someone who can drink alot. Ex. Frank the tank from that movie with Will ferrel.
3. A tubby ass mutha fucka. Someone who isn't going to get layed for a while.
4. an armored vehicle

1. Hey eric you have a small dong.
Shut up asshole this thing is a tank
2. Douche:guys im a hard ass watch me drink this whole six pack by myself. you: wow what a tank.
3. That bitch gave me herpes! How'd she get layed if she was a tank?
4. I used to drive a tank back in nam'.

by Jamm627 April 12, 2006

8👍 12👎