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The second highest ranked DDR PLAYER In the world. Just behind YASU.

Take plays at Muthos bemani center in japan

by Javi August 31, 2003

38👍 46👎


A very small and furry creature, has big eyes in ratio to its very small body. a skimmel has no bones and is therefore very pliable.

the wild australian skimmels work in groups to gather enough food for the entire colony, they work almost as a micro society

by Javi April 3, 2005

Indio from spain

an elitist born in east los angeles who thinks he was born in spain

You fucken indio from spain I want two tomales not one.

by Javi April 19, 2005

10👍 8👎


Short for "cold chillin".

Basically this is an unnecessary entry.

by Javi April 4, 2005

18👍 18👎


A man who engages in intercourse with a large amount of women.

He hasn't he been with? That kid's a serious plumber!

by Javi March 7, 2005

97👍 80👎


A spanish term used by most spanish men or women to describe a stupid idiotic bitch that never leaves them the fuck alone.

(claudia) "Hey Javi here comes that fucking swata bitch to collect the rent again!) (Javi) "fuck her ass she is the shizzle"

by Javi March 18, 2004

37👍 19👎

fat chick wing man

usually a drunk who passes out or gets kicked out of clubs.

a fat chick wing man trys to drink everyones drink at a table and drops them all, then gets kicked out

by Javi April 19, 2005

8👍 19👎