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Coming from the YouTuber and content creator, it started with him saying “cabbage replace the c with an f”. Uses this term to refer to mostly males as a “fat bitch” when they don’t consistently go to the gym.

“That fabbidge told me I’m not good enough for her”
“Tell that Fabbidge it’s time to get off his ass and get in the gym”
“How can a Fabbidge tell me how to get girls when he can’t see his own dick?”

by Jayrod69 June 17, 2023


Iteration of “fat bitch” coined by YouTuber JaySoullz

“Get out my face Fabbidge”

by Jayrod69 June 17, 2023

Cordial separation theory

Coined by YouTuber and content creator JaySoullz this is the theory that after you stop talking to a girl or guy, whether it be due to an argument or disagreement, you don’t leave on a really bad note. U keep it cordial, don’t yell back or argue, and you can later spin the block when you’re doing even better in life and the options she had are starting to weign. She will have forgotten the feelings that made her willing to stop talking to you in the first place, and by then you will have multiple other girls to immediately take her spot if she acts up again.

“Yelling and arguing with a female completely goes against CST(cordial separation theory)”
“If you’re following CST, you know you have to keep it calm at all times”

by Jayrod69 June 17, 2023