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Derrick is a top tier human being. He’s absolutely adorable and super romantic. He’s the type of guy who would slow dance with you at night under a street light or take you to a national forest you can watch the sunset and look at the stars together. He’s the definition of boyfriend material. He’s got a eye for spotting beautiful things and it’s pretty much guaranteed that he’ll stop to take pictures of them. He’ll make you feel super comfortable and secure and give you a million kisses. He’s super thoughtful and consistently puts in effort for people he cares about. He’s got the most pure energy and not seeing him for a few days will feel like way too long. The best part about him isn’t even all the sweet things he’ll do for you, it’s who he is as a person.

Omg I scored myself a Derrick! Thank you universe!

by Jazzysizzle November 25, 2021

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