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Candace is one of the most amazing people you would meet. She is very straight-forward about everything and is very beautiful on the inside and out. If you ever get to be friends with a Candace consider yourself to be very lucky. She would cry if you did and she would be with you every step of the way so whatever you do don't let her go.

Person 1: Omg are you friends with Candace
Person 2: Yessss
Person 1: Can you introduce me?
Person 2: Yeah ofc she would love you

by Jazzzie October 4, 2020

5👍 1👎


Leela is a girl who is very passionate about the things she likes. She can also fall in love way to quickly and ends up getting hurt. She also is very insecure but doesn't like to show it. She can be very weird but people can find her funny in her own way. She can be one of the most weirdest crackheads you would ever meet. She can be very kind but if you piss her off or cross the line in anyway you should consider yourself dead or if she is still wants to be generous she would just hurt you very badly and send you to the hospital. She is a genuinely a sweet caring person. She will make you feel like if you are one of the most important people in the world and she will always put your happiness in front of hers. She is also very good at faking her happiness when she doesn't want people to worry about her. Some people may think of her as a very easy target but she really isn't. She really doesn't like talking about herself and would change somethings about herself just to fit in. Some people may fear her and others may not but only her closest friends know the real her and she is one of the best people you can talk to.

Person 1: Is that Leela cause she is annoying
Person 2: Shut up she finna beat your ass
Person 1: What ever

by Jazzzie October 4, 2020

14👍 2👎