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A good freind who betrays u in some way
being it with the ladies
or noobing u on Cod4

"dude,u fucking Brutus u stole my kill "
"i didnt see your name on it "

"dude,u fucking Brutus u stole my kill "
"i didnt see your name on it "

by Jdawgthecool January 8, 2009

36πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Cold Pussy

To go Cold pussy is the state like cold turkey when a young man has not recieved any puntang in so long that his body is starting to go into remission. its a horrible painful time when a man get despaerate and clingy to anything he can get his hands on. he must be careful who he touches for when this state passes he is likely to regrett what he's done

Jdawg: dude i need some puntang and quick
Ninja_E: why man what's up
Jdawg:im fucking going Cold pussy

Ninja_E:don't do anything or go anywhere im coming over, make sure u dn't do anything u'll regrett
Jdawg: i guarantee nothing

by Jdawgthecool May 25, 2009

36πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

The FML Game

Occurs in real life,msn or other social networking sites. where one person will come out with a statement such as "FML my dog shat on my bed"

this will then insight the FML game in which everyone will compete as to why their lifes more shit

"FML my dog shat on my bed"
"well FML my mum threw my PS3 out the window"
"well FML i broke both my legs"
"Fuck you all my internets down, No porn for a week"
"woh dude you win the FML game"
"yh man shit fuck your life "
"id totally just kill myself"

by Jdawgthecool October 13, 2009

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Marty McFly Complex Type 2

Despite all logic and reason you go after the hardest longest guy/girl on the market. even tho many other fine young specimen have made it clear they would be up for a bit of the old In out in out. Relates to marty mcfly complex original strain coz instead of doing the simple pride forces u to take the long road even its more hazardous.

"Doc what the fucks wrong with me, im on dis loooong chic, dnt even think she likes me."
"then why are u with her my good man. isnt that fine young lady, Ellie giving u the eye "
"yh but this chic'll be worth it someday"
"seems to me like you've got Marty McFly Complex Type 2"
"no shit sherlock"

by Jdawgthecool March 24, 2009

19πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Old women who think they're hot and think they're totall Milfs but they're not theyre just Overaged, Old and haggered

Cameron Diaz looks so overaged nowadays but did u see her in the Mask. i just had a Bruce Willis

by Jdawgthecool July 6, 2009

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A grimbleship is a plutonic relationship which is spawned though two ppl having met for the first time and Grimbling.

Awww Elliott has such a good Grimbleship with Katie i mean uv gotta be freinds after having ur tongue down her throat for that long

by Jdawgthecool July 6, 2009

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Skins NOOB

Based on the british tv show skins and all there wild parties
a skins noob is someone who in the middle of a party will say
"OMG its like skins "
to which everyone will look at that person and will then be beaten down.
aka michael fowler

"shit,man this parties sick "
"yh man its like a skins party"
"i cant actually beleive u just sed that u fucking skins noob"

by Jdawgthecool March 24, 2009

30πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž