Source Code

Bag of Tits

(n.) A mess, in disorder. UK military origin.

You look like a bag of tits.
This room is a bag of tits.
Your uniform looks like a bag of tits.

by JediAndi August 21, 2005

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Can be used as a verb (Jonesing) or a noun (a jones). Describes a state in which one experiences strong desire or attraction, often of a sexual nature. Equiv. "to fancy" "crushing on" "to want"

She's been jonesin him for months.
He's got a major jones for her.

by JediAndi April 4, 2003

1784πŸ‘ 779πŸ‘Ž


Firearms calibre commonly used for semi automatic pistols and sub machine guns. Useful for short range fire only. Used as a slang term for a pistol used by gang members or criminals

So he pulled this 9mm on me

by JediAndi April 4, 2003

264πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

Cop a Feel

(v.) To touch an individual in an intimate manner, usually with sexual intent. Such an act is usually done without the persons consent and is also frequently met with hostility and/or violence.

This chick at the club was so crunk she was letting everyone cop a feel.

I think that someone copped a feel of my tits on that subway.

by JediAndi September 3, 2005

637πŸ‘ 211πŸ‘Ž


(n.) Handwriting which is so neat it could only have been written by a woman. Use of this term does not mean that the writing was done by a woman, it could have just as easily been done by a very effeminate man.

I got note this morning from a secret admirer written in bitchscript.

Man that is some "nice" bitchscript you've got there!

by JediAndi November 19, 2005

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

I am Jack's

Origin - Fight Club (1999)
Used to emphasise a statement with added pop culture.
For female use, "I am Jill's..."
User can substitute "Jack" with their own name.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
I am Jill's disturbed nightmares.
I am Bob's overwhelming rage.

by JediAndi September 2, 2005

574πŸ‘ 391πŸ‘Ž


abbrv. Jack Daniels. A sweet tasting Tennesee whiskey. See also Jack

I'll have a JD and coke

by JediAndi April 5, 2003

502πŸ‘ 280πŸ‘Ž