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A girl or woman who frequently partakes in douchebaggery. The female version of a douchebag.

Liz just said she wanted to hang out with my bros. What a febag.

by JellyandPB September 10, 2009

air band

Like it's solo cousin, air guitar, an air band involves pretending to play musical instruments enthusiastically to recorded music. No actual instruments are involved.

Etymology: Scrubs.

Hey John, would you like to join my air band? We still need an air drummer and an air singer.

by JellyandPB December 29, 2010

22👍 9👎


v. The process of taking a noun and changing it into a verb.

Generally done with famous proper nouns, although in appropriate situations, could be used to deliver an inside joke.

I. love. verbing. nouns!
I totally just Googled myself... again!
I couldn't get home in time for Brothers and Sisters. I'm so glad I TiVo'd it!
Yeah, we couldn't decide who should go first, so we just rock paper scissored that shit.

by JellyandPB March 17, 2009

21👍 16👎