Source Code


1 sexy

omg that guy is so xy!

by Jett May 31, 2004

35πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


the process of freezing your ass OFF because you are against wearing no-ass pants while having an ass.

Arnie experinced freezation against his will because of a strange gay man.

by Jett February 26, 2004

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A thing that humens have to fight for. The preferred method of fighting for freedome is not to go no where. Other techniques include throwing granaid, barking necks, shoting people with the torret gun, and ducking bullets and rackets.

"Dad humens have to fight for freedome!" Henry Freeman said and didnt go no where neither. -- squirrelking, "Half-Life Full-life Consequences: Free Man"

by Jett September 23, 2009

163πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Nobel Peace Prize

An award given out by the Norwegian-based Nobel committee. In the dark and oppressive capitalistic society of the 20th century, the prize was one of the most coveted and hard to win of all the Nobel prizes, given only to people who actually, like DID something, such as devoting their lives to the service of others or some other worthless garbage.

In the more enlightened recent age, thankfully, this unfair requirement no longer exists. One merely needs to be able to TALK about doing good things, at length and with great charisma. Whether you actually follow through on your promises is no longer relevant. 2009's prize being awarded to Barack Obama is a huge step in this direction.

At the rate things are going, by 2015 we can expect to see the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to the first player to collect Pacific Avenue, North Carolina Avenue, and Pacific Avenue in the McDonald's Monopoly sweepstakes. This is truly a great time to be alive.

I just won the Nobel Peace Prize! I'm lovin' it!

by Jett October 15, 2009

100πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


music that a homosexual male is more prone to listen to. derives from radio and gay

Is that Madonna on your ipod? YOu sure do listen to some gaydio

by Jett June 20, 2004

9πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


A made-up age group, ranging from about 8 to early teens, used by parents to justify why they are allowing their prepubescent daughters to dress and behave like sluts.

*: "Why is your nine-year-old wearing a midriff top, low-rise jeans, and eight pounds of eyeshadow and lipstick?"
Girl's mother: (taking a long drink of boxed wine and shrugging) "Why not? She's a tween!"
*: "She also has a tramp stamp."
Girl's mother: "I believe I just said she was a tween."
*: "I think she's sexting a college student."
Girl's mother: "TWEEN!"

by Jett April 16, 2010

99πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


people who insist eating ground beef despite what they know about mad cow

the airheads waited in vain for a cure

by Jett January 17, 2004

6πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž