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Yellow Ledbetter

verb. To mumble incomprehensible, similar-sounding phonetics over song lyrics someone isn't sure about.

This is done as a lame attempt to cover up for the fact that someone really doesn't know the words, when the more appropriate action would have been to just shut the fuck up. It is your moral obligation to bust this person out, to preempt future singing fail.

Bob (singing): When the light's out, it's less dangerous! Here we are now, In containers!

John: Dude, did you just Yellow Ledbetter all over Kurt Cobain?! Spare me your song-desecration, Lamesauce!

by JillyBeane December 30, 2011

20👍 14👎

Electoral college

The chosen elite who *actually* get to vote for the president, while you're out pretending your vote means something.

Bob: Hey Mary, we got the same polling place, wanna go make our voices heard?
Mary: Ain't nobody gonna hear my voice with the electoral college speaking all over me.

by JillyBeane December 14, 2013

22👍 21👎