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STI Limited

Similar to the regular Subaru STI, except that it has a small spoiler in the back, leather heated seats, fog lights, sunroof, black chin spoiler, and they were only produced in 2007. Subaru only sold them in 2 colors and there were 800 in total built.

"I just saw another STI Limited! What are the odds of that?"
"About 1 in 800 dude."

by JiveMasterT March 28, 2009

6πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


When you get so excited about something that you just have to tweet about it. Especially true when you don't normally write things on Twitter.

1. Ross had a tweetgasm when a newspaper wrote about his company.

2. Jay just had a tweetgasm when he finished a project he was struggling with. I know this because he just posted it on Twitter and he never uses Twitter.

by JiveMasterT January 7, 2010


1. A million billions. More commonly known as a quadrillion, but far more exciting to say.
2. An arbitrarily large quantity of something.

"Yo dawg, your new house is dope. What did it cost? Like a millionbillion dollars?"

by JiveMasterT July 28, 2009

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A tasa is a term usually associated with "bag of hair".

The other day I went out and bought a tasa so I could stuff my bed.

by JiveMasterT May 24, 2007

16πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

dilly dilly

The best kind of person or thing.

You rescued me when I was black out drunk. Dilly dilly!

by JiveMasterT October 13, 2017

743πŸ‘ 431πŸ‘Ž


An adorable and childish way of saying "sorry."

I gave you a disturbing mental image that will haunt you forever? I sawwy.

by JiveMasterT September 22, 2011

45πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

alley bacon

Bacon that you find in an alley and subsequently consume despite warnings from your better judgment.

The only time Carla had bad bacon was when she ate alley bacon. It was salty, had gristly fat, and was of questionable authenticity.

by JiveMasterT June 5, 2013