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A woman that seeks out relationships based on money and property. Also known as a gold-digger.

Man, that chick was playing me just for my money and home. She's a gold-digging Sluicie.

by Jivefool September 16, 2019

The Nugs

A colloquial name for a guy that can provide stats about any sports team and wakes up to a fart sound.

Me to a friend: "The Nugs was napping on the couch and I farted a wake-up alarm for him"

by Jivefool May 12, 2020


A person that responds to a Kijiji ad and tries to get something for free or low-balls the asking price during the exchange.

During exchange:
Me: I'm asking for $100 for this item
Kijitard: OK, but I only have $50 on me and I don't have my bank card
Me: But we agreed on $100
Kijitard: That's all that I have. Take it or leave it.
Me: I'll leave it. You're a Kijitard

by Jivefool September 6, 2019

Scooter Cooter

A hot chick in short shorts and a tank top riding an e-scooter.

ME: Did you see that chick on the scooter?
FRIEND: Was she ugly?
ME: NO WAY! She's was a total Scooter Cooter!

by Jivefool July 26, 2021