Source Code


Masturbate with bread then reach the climax in the bread and eat it.

Man that spooch was good.

by Jmz March 24, 2003

45👍 87👎

Ass Fuck

Moron who likes to fuck ass.

Sean Poling is such an ass fuck!
Justin Szostak is such an ass fuck!
Jon Cable is such an ass fuck!

by Jmz March 24, 2003

115👍 237👎


a town

I went to innisville and all I got was this stupid t-shirt

by Jmz March 22, 2003

2👍 5👎

Cock Eye

an eye thats really lazy and u cant tell who the person is looking/talking to.

Mike, who are you looking at, cock eye.

by Jmz March 24, 2003

115👍 40👎

Scott Weiland

Former singer for Stone Temple Pilots, now frontman for Velvet Revolver. Amazing vocalist and a gorgeous man, unfortunately struggled with drug addictions for years. If he keeps it together Velvet Revolver is destined for greatness! Rock on Scott!

Wow, that Scott Weiland from Velvet Revolver is an excellent singer. And what a fox!

by Jmz February 7, 2005

140👍 37👎


fucking hilarious!

that was fularious!

by Jmz March 24, 2003

347👍 163👎