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banana head

an insulting term for someone that is retarded.

"Quit drooling on yourself, Banana Head."

by Joe M May 24, 2004

7👍 18👎

Section 8

* government-assisted housing (i.e. CHA, projects...)

* slang for prison

"Damn bro, dat judge gave me five years of Section 8 for that robbery!"

by Joe M May 3, 2004

271👍 180👎

ass dimples

The two little dimples on a girls lower back immediately above her ass.

Only appears on the fines babes.

"I did her reverse-cowgirl style so I could stare at her ass dimples."

by Joe M May 23, 2004

179👍 57👎


Single Income No Kids

My upstairs neighbor, a SINK, who is lonely and barren will not be happy when my wife gives birth to a loud crying baby.

by Joe M October 23, 2007

27👍 16👎

lot block

When you are parked in a near empty parking with no one directly infront of you, then someone pulls in that spot blocking your easy exit.

I went to the grocery store parking far away inorder get out quick right then someone pulls in, lot blocking me.

by Joe M July 6, 2009

2👍 3👎


a derogatory term used to refer to a person of obvious Polish or Russian desent. originating from the oblong-oval shape of their melons.

Boy, that Pumpkinhead is drunk!

by Joe M May 23, 2004

7👍 13👎