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To read or otherwise intellectually devour something in a matter of hours, as opposed to the days or weeks that would normally be spent on such a task. The name comes from the rapid consumption of J.K. Rowling's eponymous 759-page book, after the reader has worked his way through the first 1,300 pages of the the Harry Potter series, and will now forsake all human needs and comforts to know if Snape will get his comeuppance.

"Good books are dangerous: I straight up "Deathly-Hallowed" the first two Hunger Games books in less than 30 hours this weekend."

Person 1: "Done! I just Deathly-Hallowed in eight hours!"
Person 2: "Seriously?! Wow, my sister and I both started at midnight —we even read aloud to each other while the other was in the shower— and still took 12 hours! I'm impressed!"

by JoeFrogs March 5, 2012

20👍 5👎