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The guilt your fucking wife tries laying the foundation for before you even do anything.

"If you're going to go fishing next weekend instead of going out with me then I guess I know where your priorities are then"...etc etc. pre-guilt

by JoeNJ2 June 4, 2011

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Retro Fuck

Someone who should've been fucked a long time ago but still hasn't.

Oh man Retro Fuck that fucker.

by JoeNJ2 September 15, 2012

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

retro fuck

To curse something presently as well as the past.

retro fuck this place,now and before I even came here.

by JoeNJ2 May 18, 2012

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A city that's pretty much like a prison,being that there's nothin but tattooed freaks breathing down your neck everywhere you go.

philly is like a prison

by JoeNJ2 May 2, 2011

32πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


A kind of rambling inbred verbage that only people in the Philly/PA/South Jersey metro area understand among their cliques.

"i was u wanna know why.....so gay (he was really gay) asshole (and he was really an asshole) drank one of mine,,,,and i was pissed then he went in the fridge and drank 1/2 another one....so i didnt even have one because i gave my friend half :( so i just drank beer and made them drive me home like 2ish becuase i was beat! so i was very well bahaved!!" ~Phillyspeak

by JoeNJ2 September 13, 2010

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


I swear, sometimes it looks like a huge alien spacecraft landed somewhere and let off legions of people... the stores are packed, the roads are packed, even my street is packed. Where are all these people coming from??

I swear, sometimes it looks like a huge alien spacecraft landed somewhere and let off legions of people... the stores are packed, the roads are packed, even my street is packed. Where are all these people coming from?? Must be the holidayliens.

by JoeNJ2 December 22, 2020

professional shitters

The people at work who pretty much spend all day in the bathroom.

Man these bathrooms are always full! What are you people,professional shitters?

by JoeNJ2 February 26, 2011