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When a person is up to date with the trends, gossip and activities in modern society.

Joel: Hey C-dawg! Did ya hear about Brangelina's breakup?
Chad: Yeah, I'm heart-broken brother!
Joel: Man, you are so topic! That thang only happened just a week ago.

by Joel4prez December 19, 2016

4👍 1👎


When you do something particularly epic, you are graphic/what you did was graphic.

Bradley: Ahh, that kickflip was the dopest!
Vonda: It wasn't just dope, it was graphic!
Bradley: *whispers* totally graphic...

by Joel4prez December 19, 2016

5👍 1👎


When someone is being particularly irritating/annoying

Shelley: B T dubz, I'm gonna go rob yo' mama's house
Drake: Ugh, you're such a karb Shelley! I'm gonna make you pay fo' this!
Shelley: You did not just call me that, yoo biatch!

by Joel4prez December 19, 2016

6👍 3👎


When someone or something is really lame or uncool

Simone: Hey guys, do you want to try my gluten-free, lactose-free, sugar-free muffins?
Zachary: Bruh, that sounds so krate.
Ron: Yeah, thats the kratest thing I've ever heard.

by Joel4prez December 19, 2016

11👍 6👎