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Sun's Out, Tum's Out

Taking your shirt off the second you get within twenty feet of water, regardless of how sloppy looking you are. Dignity and self-respect are meaningless when practicing 'sun's out, tum's out'.

Dude 1: Jody can't go near a body of water while keeping his shirt on. Check him out over there in the kiddy pool splashing water on his gut.

Dude 2: Sun's out, tum's out bro. Stop shaming.

by Joemammy August 2, 2019


Wasting everyone's time. Standing in the middle of the aisle. Driving slow af in the left lane. Doing things that piss society off to the max.

All this bojanglin makes me hate humanity.

by Joemammy September 3, 2016

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Porcelain Pwn'n

Act of blowing up your toilet. Probably after eating spicy ass Thai food.

I need more toilet paper for all this porcelain pwn'n!

by Joemammy September 3, 2016


When someone finally gets what's coming to them. Usually well-deserved and brings joy to others when they learn about it.

Jody got his comeuppance when he was caught cheating on a skanks-for-free website. Nice try Jody, you sloptart looking bastard.

by Joemammy July 13, 2019

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump Powers

Ability to say whatever the hell you want and suffer zero consequences.

Kick these Mexicans out and eff black people. I have Donald Trump powers biiiiiitch!

by Joemammy September 3, 2016

30πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

It be like that

Easy conversation filler that means anything and everything all at once.

I was too lazy to read the text message so I just responded with 'it be like that sometimes'.

by Joemammy September 3, 2016

40πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Uncle Deezle

What you turn into after taking three scoops of preworkout.

Uncle Deezle over there took three scoops and forgot where he was.

by Joemammy September 3, 2016

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž