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Used as an insult, specifically as a synonym for 'idiot' or 'retard'.

Possibly a derivative of 'dunce'. Used in Gloucestershire, UK.

Chloe: How's work?
Amy: It was sound, but then they hired new people and they're all right dunnies. Specially this guy called Rob. He's the biggest dunny of all.

by JoeyJoeJoington February 9, 2011

14👍 33👎


An inhabitant of the town of Cheltenham, UK.

Joe: I'm a Cheltonian
Amy: Who gives a fuck?

by JoeyJoeJoington February 9, 2011

10👍 5👎


Used to mean "lend", as in the sentence, "lend me".

Used in Gloucestershire, UK.

Jack: Mate, can you borrow me a quid?
Louis: I borrowed you a fiver like... two weeks ago and I still never got it back. So nah mate.

by JoeyJoeJoington February 9, 2011

32👍 9👎


Used in the UK to refer to someone who is stupid, idiotic, retarded etc. One who is 'thick' is a 'thicko'.

Michael: You're such a thicko. You fail every test you take. Thick as pig's shit. Useless like your mother.

Michael's son: I can't wait until I'm old enough to move out!

Michael: Me neither!

Michael's son: I HATE YOU!

by JoeyJoeJoington February 9, 2011

64👍 7👎


An insult the equivalent of "idiot", "prat", "knobhead" etc. used in Gloucestershire, UK.

Sonny: I didn't mean to break it.
Josh: You're such a gilly!

by JoeyJoeJoington February 8, 2011

133👍 84👎


To laugh, especially loudly.

Used in Gloucestershire, UK.

Jamie: Mate, that thing we watched yesterday made me roar!
Neil: I know right? I showed it to Toni the other day and she was roarin' for like... half hour!

by JoeyJoeJoington February 9, 2011

14👍 109👎


Something infected, disgusting or generally dirty. Especially used to refer to injuries or disabilities.

Used in Gloucestershire, UK.

Hannah: Dave's got a gammy knee after he grazed it. Looks rank.
Dave: It got gammy 'cause a bit of grit got stuck in there. Now it's infected.

by JoeyJoeJoington February 9, 2011

93👍 56👎