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literal meaning : whose dick has been all squeezed and fucked.

ye lundmara kya kaam karega !!?

by Johnwick98 December 3, 2020


A penis that has been squeezed out, a lot, shrunken in girth by numerous sexual intercourses over the time, which can't really give the pleasure that a thick shapely penis can.

That fuckboi must be having a Lulli

by Johnwick98 April 22, 2021

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beta male

Alpha male and beta male, or simply alpha and beta, are slang terms for men derived from the designation for alpha and beta animals in ethology. The term alpha male is often incorrectly applied to any dominating man, especially bullies. Both terms have been frequently used in the manosphere. The term beta is used as a pejorative self-identifier among members of manosphere communities, particularly incels, who do not believe they are assertive or traditionally masculine, and feel overlooked by women. It is also used to negatively describe other men who are not assertive, particularly with women and generally in life as well.

MGTOW 1 : "beta male" is one of the biggest modern day crisis borne due to feminism.
MGTOW 2 : Aye, for sure. This gynocentric society has become a nightmare for men and masculinity.

by Johnwick98 November 9, 2021

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Soy boy

Soy boy is a pejorative term sometimes used in online communities to describe men lacking masculine characteristics. The term bears many similarities and has been compared to the slang terms cuck (derived from cuckold), nu-male and low-T ("low testosterone") Ҁ“ terms sometimes used as an insult for "male femininity" by online communities.

The term is based on the presence of the phytoestrogen isoflavone in soybeans, which has led some to claim that soy products feminize men who consume them, although there is no correlation between consumption of soy phytoestrogens and testosterone or estrogen levels or sperm quality.

The term is often used as an epithet by "internet trolls". It is often targeted at perceived social justice warriors, vegans, liberals, and similar groups. The term has also been used in online debates about the fashion appeal of cargo shorts.

Soy boy is undoubtedly the far-right's newest favourite insult.

by Johnwick98 August 31, 2022

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dick ache

the kind of ache that you feel in your dick when you have an extensive fuck session of rough vigorous sex or prolonged sex, leaves you unable to sit, walk or piss properly for a while

I dicked her down last night, her pussy can still feel my dick. But I realise I've got a dick ache too. Haha. Can still feel her tight grip.

by Johnwick98 January 20, 2022

She Bull

Female equivalent of Bull.

A female that gets involved with couples, the third party in cuckquean lifestyle. Often involves elements of BDSM.

Me and my husband are looking for a She Bull, we're new in this fetish lifestyle.

by Johnwick98 August 22, 2021

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The medical condition of having an abnormally large penis.

95% of adult males fall within the interval 10.7 cm/4.23 in and 19.1 cm/7.53 in when erect.

The opposite of micropenis (the medical condition of having an abnormally small penis)

A penis too large poses many health risks both vaginally and anally. For instance, some short-term damages include the possibility of the cervix becoming bruised from deep penetration or vaginal and anal fissures.

It has been associated with higher risk for sex injury (penile fracture) and infections for the person with the condition.

Other terms : macrophallus, megalophallus, megalopenis, megaphallus, megapenis

Jonah Falcon (man known for claiming to have the biggest penis measuring 13.5 inches)

Unlike the popular belief that adult content and media instills in us, having a macropenis is not that great, neither for me nor my partner, the bigger the merrier is a myth.

by Johnwick98 August 25, 2021

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