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foo fighters

a group of people that fight foos, and make music to fund their combat expeditions

in the music video for learn to fly, foo fighters are shown flying towards an unknown location disguised as an airliner to determine prime bombing locations against the foos

by Jokerwasagoodmovie December 5, 2021


A contagious disease that is quickly contaminating minors around the U.S. which is known to make someone do unknown dances and crave a battle royale uncontrollably.

Can often be seen flossing and talking about fortnite...

Joe: Little Timmy cant stop flossing

Mama: I think he caught Fortnite

by Jokerwasagoodmovie November 2, 2019

28👍 3👎

Xbox One

A box in the shape of an "x" with a "1" drawn on the top

A direct competitor to pay-station 4

Xbox One openly supports cross-play while pay-station 4 does not

by Jokerwasagoodmovie November 8, 2019

4👍 2👎

November 2nd

The beginning of a new generation of urban dictionary holidays. Today we celebrate all urban dictionary holidays at once and make a new one for tomorrow

Today is november 2nd

Time to celebrate...

by Jokerwasagoodmovie November 2, 2019