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An emoticon depicting:

- "Here I am!"
- "Surprise!"
- Someone wanting a hug.

It can also be used in a humorous/wise ass sense as shown in the example.

Person 1: I was going fast on the road, then I slammed the brakes and made a skid mark.

Person 2: Where? In your underwear? <(:D)>

by Jon Ace May 7, 2007

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

marker butt

What you call your ass after a bowel movement in whichҀ“after multiple wipesҀ“you're still not clean.

The opposite of a "no wiper".

I was in the bathroom this morning 15 minutes longer than usual because I was out of wet wipes and had marker butt.

by Jon Ace April 12, 2015

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Mall Walk

The act of walking slowly, as if you were in a mall.

I hate it when I'm in a rush and these people got their mall walk on.

by Jon Ace January 16, 2006

35πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

being Lin

Showing abilities that were you were not expected to have.

Based off the previously unexpected and unknown ability of NBA player Jeremy Lin.

Can also be used in the phrase "be Lin".

Person A does the unexpected.

Person B to Person A: "You're being Lin!"

by Jon Ace February 16, 2012


A person or event that ruins a good time. When something "bursts your bubble".

Synonym for killjoy.

"Sick_Heret1c", you're such a joykill.

The thunderstorm that started up while we were at the beach was a joykill.

by Jon Ace May 20, 2006

47πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Prom Queen

The female senior at a high school prom who was voted for by her fellow classmates. While every female has a chance of winning, the Prom Queen is usually the prettiest and most social among the others. (See: Queen Bee).

Not Another Teen Movie was complete BS; Priscilla was suppose to be the Prom Queen.

by Jon Ace March 17, 2007

287πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


A noun for a nicely shaped, but oversized ass on a female.

Emanuel likes widescreen, so he's gonna go look for a girl with an ass.

by Jon Ace March 9, 2006

11πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž