Source Code


To go at very low speeds

I am slowly dying.

by Spirit Healer June 4, 2018

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

slowly slowly

A phrase used by non-native english speakers, its meaning is close to the single slowly. The repetition could seem unnecessary but its different to single-"slowly" as slowly slowly has a positive connotation, it means chill, let things take their time, don't rush ect.

Often said by native greek speakers when speaking english, translated from the orignal greek "σιγα σιγα" (slowly slowly), who are unaware that this phrase is not used by native english speakers, and they could have just said "slowly" one time instead.

Jimmy: Your idea is incredible, o my god, you have to market it now, and then start your company, and you'll be rich in no time.

Maria: No man, slowly slowly, I'll take my time and make sure I do everything right along the way!

by cnstnteen March 28, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Slowly Educated

When you don’t have that much education as everybody else.

Person 1: Bro, you slow!
Person 2: Naw bro, just slowly educated.

by Slowboi124 November 19, 2019

texting slowly

He's really slow at texting. He/she is taking a really long time to type a sentence. Annoying.

Ok I will pick you up at 7? Is that fine?
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...
Person is typing...

Texting slowly

by Ruabeavercuzdam April 19, 2014

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Say That Again, But Slowly

Used to politely tell someone that they just completely contradicted themselves. It can also be "Read that again, but slowly" if it's in text rather than actually being uttered.

Dumbass: "The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe!"

Normal Person: "Say that again, but slowly..."

by Someone who kinda exists September 23, 2021

As I Die Slowly

"As I Die Slowly" is also known as AIDS.

I used that term because when a person has AIDS they are dying slowly.

by Natalie October 23, 2004

43πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

backing away slowly

To flee in a reversed motion to avoid extreme awkwardness.

Paul was busy masturbating until his mother walked into the room. She was backing away slowly.

by natedizzle7 January 4, 2014

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