Source Code


Used to address people in a friendly manner (as in not implying they are your employer or master).

Them: Yo!
You: Hey up boss, whats up?

by Joshtek July 1, 2003

928πŸ‘ 660πŸ‘Ž


Kind of means "Wasn't that obvious, huh?"

similar to duh

You have to turn the Computer on first, Doy!

by Joshtek September 1, 2003

620πŸ‘ 208πŸ‘Ž

Google Copy Paste

The act of extracting information from Google for the reason of telling it to someone.

Note: Usually written as GCP

Bob: Whos the president of blahblahland
*Bill searches google.com, copies anwser into clipboard, then pastes it*
Bill: It's Mark Larryson
Bob: Thanks, how did you know that?
Bill: Google Copy Paste :D

by Joshtek July 1, 2003

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Name used to parody script-kiddie "hackers"

Script Kiddie: I am so 1337
Bob: rofl, bet he haxx0rs using sub7
Script Kiddie: Yeah, its w00t

by Joshtek July 1, 2003

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Name used to parody of script-kiddie "hackers"

someones who haxx0rs haxx0rs is a haxx0r.

Sometimes written (typed) haxxor.

Script Kiddie: I am so 1337!!!
Bob: Do you haxx0r using sub7?
Script Kiddie: Yeah, its w00t!!!

by Joshtek July 1, 2003

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


The act of extracting information from Google for the reason of telling it to someone.

Note: GCP is short for Google Copy Paste

Bob: Whos the president of blahblahland
*Bill searches google.com, copies anwser into clipboard, then pastes it*
Bill: It's Mark Larryson
Bob: Thanks, how did you know that?
Bill: GCP :D

by Joshtek July 1, 2003

6πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


rolling on floor, laughing my ass off, peeing my pants.

bob: And the reason his "computer wouldnt work" is because he hadnt plugged it in to the electricity mains!!!

bill: roflmaopmp!! lol! newbs, eh?

by Joshtek September 1, 2003

34πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž