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salty sandwich

A sexual maneuver in which two guys drape their ball sacks on a girl's face, one on either side. The end result is a salty sandwich of fun.

Parker and Hamilton were the "Jiggling Jigglo's" act and performed on weekend's, usually for bachlorette parties. Their specialty was the salty sandwich, and women loved it. Especially ball suckers.

by Jrubadub September 7, 2011

45πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Gastric Blast

A really greasy, deep, fart that comes directly from gastric stomach juices. Comes from eating really bad food or drinking really rot gut alcohol.

Before expulsion, your abdominal area feels like an obese Green Bay football fan is standing on your stomach with all his weight.

Pushing it out requires an extreme effort, and some people actually die trying. Once out, however, the victim feels better. The area then becomes instantly contaminated with a nauseating rotten garbage smell.

Gordon was getting ready to go out. He swilled a bottle of cough syrup and some Old Crow whiskey, and gobbled up six Oxys. Then he ate three cheeseburger pizzas and two bottles of picked eggs.

His stomach was gurgling. He got up from the recliner, struggled and pushed, and eventually a gastric blast followed by complete bowel movement. That was a rap for the day. So much for the job interview, he thought.

by Jrubadub January 19, 2012

caught a baby bird

A trick that you play on friends. It's when a male turns his back to his group of friends, unzips his pants and takes out his cock and balls. Then he gently cups them in his hands and tells his friends that he has "caught a baby bird".

When the friends come over to investigate, the male reveals the true nature behind his cupped hands. Usually good for a laugh if done right.

1) Lance was hangin with his sister and 4 friends. He decided to do the old caught a baby bird routine. He turned around, unzipped his pants and told them to come over. They just about dropped dead when he revealed his 13 inch manhood - it looked more like a snake than a baby bird.

2) Zippy did the ole caught a baby bird to some girl outside the bar and spent the night in the greybar hotel.

by Jrubadub November 23, 2010

92πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Coming from the word "Palsy," meaning ill, paralyzed, or loss of sensation.

It's when you get either extremely high off killer Christopher Reeve wheelchair weed AND/OR lit off hardcore booze.

You become "palsied" unable to move, walk, or talk.

Pokey fired up a huge, six paper blunt with super dank wheelchair weed.

He was fucking wrecked. Then, he consumed a fifth of Bellringer gin and huge plate of nachos. After that he was palsied.

by Jrubadub July 14, 2010

214πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

drinkin' hole

Any place where a feller or a gal can wet their whistle with a nice alcoholic drink.

It doesn't have to be a bar or some other place that serves drinks. As long as it's out of the prying eyes of people who frown on drinkin' in public.

1) Pokey stopped by the liquor mart on the way home from work. He bought some rot-gut booze and headed behind the store.

He didn't wanna wait till' he got home, there was a drinkin' hole behind the store with a cheap mattress.

2) Gordon was hanging out down by the river under the bridge, a known drinkin' hole for the local derelicts and hoodrats. He slammed six beers and huffed a whole bottle of nail-polish remover.

3) Todd and Ronnie were hanging out at the drinkin' hole in the park trying to pick up high school chicks.

by Jrubadub August 24, 2010

113πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Nursing home fart

A fart that is so nasty and vile that it makes a room smell like a nursing home. Consider the room or area permanently tainted with a rotten stink smell.

Major construction is required after the fart to reuse the area, including ripping out carpets and sub-floors, and walls and sheet-rock.

Bio-hazards suits are needed to clean-up, and Center for Disease Control needs to be notified.

Rudi cruised over to Sampson's house for Monday night football. He had been eating bratwurst all day, and drinking Schmidt Ice. He didn't feel well at all and something was brewing deep in his stomach.

He ripped a huge fart during half-time - big mistake. It turned out to be a nursing home fart and completely wrecked Rudi's house.

by Jrubadub October 12, 2010

171πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


A huge, paint-peeling, moisturizing, jumbo sized dump. A large, steamy log (shit) of very solid shit.

Skyler took a huge groeder after eating 22 oyster shooters six ears of corn, and a huge plate of greasy refried beans.

Fontana squeezed out a massive 2 foot long groeder, and her boyfriend had to chop it up with a shovel to get it to flush. He also had to use oven cleaner to get the skid marks off the bowl.

by Jrubadub February 16, 2011

94πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž