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A french slang which describes having a large posterior. In english it would be the same as the terms "J-Lo ass", "ghetto booty", or more commonly "fat ass"

"Regarder cette fille, elle a un cul-de-sac" (translates to 'Look at that girl, she has a fat ass')

"Je suis désolé pour vous dire que votre amie a un cul-de-sac (translates to 'I'm sorry to tell you that your girlfriend has a fat ass')

by JtothaC March 13, 2005

18πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


The center of the universe. Part of a female's body located between her legs that is reason why all wars are ever fought. If you aren't getting it you want it, and if you are, it's never enough. Often times it used as the noun in sentence because, let's face it, often times us guys don't care what's all around the poontang as long as it is willing to provide us access to this magical land of wander

"Let's go get us some poontang!"

by JtothaC March 13, 2005

4329πŸ‘ 1617πŸ‘Ž


This great word has a double meaning. It can be used to describe a used condom, or it can be used to describe a woman who gives a lot of head and always remembers to swallow!

"Dude, your mom is a cumbag!"

by JtothaC March 20, 2005

137πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Description of a person, usually female, stricken by a particularly severe lack of intelligence. The blonde's brain, whcih is limited in size, is constantly in a daze, making the understanding of very simple ideas, concepts, and jokes impossible for her.

"How do you confuse a blonde? Put her in a circular room and tell her to find the corner. How does the blonde confuse you? She comes back and says she did."

by JtothaC March 13, 2005

35πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

baby batter

Very simply male ejaculate. One of many ingredients in the recepie that is a child, it is available whenever needed by a woman. Although it is meant to create babies it usually slams against a laytex membrane (sometimes flavored) or a kleenex.

"I released my baby batter on her face, but she got a bit pissed"

by JtothaC March 15, 2005

158πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


Word used to describe a person who is obsessed with water and the damage it causes. The arch enemy of a pyromaniac, the hydromaniac uses water to enetrtain himself by killing/injuring/destroying things, animals and people with the use of the allmighty H2O

Did you see all the floods in Asia? I think God is a hydromaniac.

by JtothaC March 13, 2005

26πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

ass load

When speaking of quantity: an amount more than which is easily countable
When speaking of size: larger than a man can easily carry
When speaking of time: an amount of time which is larger than the expected amount
When used as a noun: a wad of semen released by a man inside the anus of another person (male or female alike)

"I got an ass load of collectible cars in my attic."
"How big is my house? It's got an ass load of space!"
"Jon went to buy beer 3 hours ago. He's taking an ass load of time"
"I gave your sister an assl oad last night!"

by JtothaC March 16, 2005

49πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž