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panty dropper

A song upon hearing makes it near impossible for a girl to Not drop her panties.
See Also:
Your Body Is A Wonderland

Dude numero Uno-"Have you heard that new song by Let The Panties Hit The Floor?!"

Dude number Dos-"Shyeahhh! What a panty dropper!"

by Juloria April 20, 2005

202👍 130👎


The idiot who defined this word before lacks a certain brain component which helps him/her understand phoentic spelling. Thus I'm here to englighten you. The term is grody.Assjockey.

the person who defined this before me is mad grody. ew.

by Juloria April 20, 2005

16👍 28👎


A mother fucker who cheats on a beautiful girl with a fat ass. Yet amazingly gets away with it because a) beautiful girl is too forgiving and b)has a pretty sweet whip.
See Also:

That guy cheated on that girl, what an ass jockey, yo.

by Juloria April 20, 2005

4👍 12👎

panty melter

An extremely attractive male, so hot he literally causes the panties of a female to melt.

fuck, why do you need an example? just watch the x-files, dude.

by Juloria April 20, 2005

18👍 9👎