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The High School Douche Bag

A young male who usually has at least 2 of these characteristics: Arrogant, annoying, rude, selfish, self-absorbed, inconsiderate, or enjoys putting others down.

A majority of "popular guys" at your school can be classified as a douche bag.

His activities may include disrespecting girls, cracking "your mom" jokes, disrespecting teachers, making fun of everyone around him, skipping class, or attempting a cover of someone who doesn't deserve to be called a rapper.

They especially like to insult students who are weird (liking different things, having different hobbies, ect. than the douche bag thinks is acceptable).

Drake enjoyed bullying anyone who was "weird" in his eyes, and soon was known as the high school douche bag.

by Justabandgirl August 7, 2012

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