Source Code

crackhead stare

The look of crackheads after they have just gotten their "fix." Usually accompanied with red lips. And they mumble a lot.

Crackhead: "Humm, mumm,hmmm... you got...some change?"

Me: "Stop giving me the crackhead stare!!" (Punches crackhead's teeth out)

Crackhead: "Bluuhhh, huuuhhh....I'll sell you these teeth..."

by Jvarna5 January 30, 2008

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


What New Englanders call a Whopper.

Ted Kennedy: "Ehhh, I'll have the Whoppa."

Cashier: "I think you've had enough, sir."

Ted Kennedy: "You shat your mouth, or I'll have you muddahd!"

by Jvarna5 February 1, 2008

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Butt Gorilla

The Butt Gorilla is a nocturnal primate who climbs into young boy's windows at nite, and commences to have butt-secks with them. His voice sounds eerily like...your Dad's.

Boy: "Dad, I had a nightmare that a man in a gorilla suit humped my butt. And it really hurts!"

Dad (With a twinkle in his eye): "Oh, that ol Butt Gorilla must've visited you last night! Now hurry up and put this dress on!"

by Jvarna5 January 31, 2008

17πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Overpriced espresso beverage that usually has some artificial flavoring to take away the coffee taste. Be wary of loads of foam that tops it, or someone may think you've been giving BJs.

Chris:" What's in the Starbucks cup? Cappuccino?"

Jon: "Actually, the cup is empty. I just carry the cup around because it matches my emo glasses"

by Jvarna5 January 28, 2008

13πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Hobo Chili

Any combination of readily available ingredients stirred together in a pot or used soup-can over an open fire. Ingredients can include: Pigeons, fecal matter, babies, dogs, grass, fingers.

Best served with a vintage Merlot, but toilet wine will suffice.

Crazy Homeless man: "A dead hooker, three mice, and a used condom? Oh, it's Hobo Chili time!"

by Jvarna5 January 30, 2008

43πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


- Fried pork fat. Popular in the South.

- Tiny white people.

Keisha: "MMMmmm, I love me some cracklings!!" Chomp, Chomp.

Ray-ray: "Damn, ho! You keep eating those cracklings, and I'll be frying yo ass and sellin it!"

Terell: "Fuck, nigga! I had a dream that a hundred little cracklins tied me up and forced me to listen to Barry Manilow! Then they made me take out a high-interest loan!"

Bank: " That wasn't a dream. You're being evicted. Oh, I love Manilow!!"

by Jvarna5 March 15, 2008

14πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

breaking my balls

Phrase that Italian Mafia members use frequently when someone is giving them a hard time.

Joey "the fag" Calzone: "Hey Jimmy, stop breaking my balls, will ya!!!

Jimmy "Dingleberry" Dinello: "Yo Jimmy, I'll be breakin ya face is yous don't shut da hell up! Look at this guy!"

by Jvarna5 January 29, 2008

198πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž