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prince fielder

overrated 1st basemen for the milwaukee fruit crew defensive liability,overweight,should be a designated hitter in the american league but isnt good enough.

"is that a gorrilla?"

"no, its just tons of fun, prince fielder"

by K.Chapin March 29, 2008

24👍 98👎


A diverse mid-sized city on the banks of Lake Michigan in Wisconsin that gets a bad reputation from ignorant and over-privledged kids in the milwaukee suburbs who probably have never set foot in Racine based on the fact that the community is integrated and that the white kids hang out with people of other races, for ths it is assumed that all of Racine is "ghetto" and everyone owns a gun

Cilla Kid: "ya, im from Racine"

sheltered suburb dumbass: "omg, so did you like have guns at your school all the time?"

Cilla Kid: "no"

by K.Chapin May 2, 2008

108👍 63👎