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Is the Irish Traveller word for Man. it comes from Irish Traveller language and found its way into slang in many area's in Ireland especailly in Cork and Limerick. Other common Traveller words in Cork and Limerick slang are beoir - girl, feek - Kiss/Sleep with, Subla - Child,

Who's dat Feen dere talkin to Martin, thats Micheal Mc Donagh

by KDK23 April 6, 2008

499👍 302👎


Word often used by Irish Travellers to identify someone from the settled community. Travellers traditionally used "country people" but as most Travellers are now living in towns and citys its a bit outdated. Buffer is not an offensive word, but is Traveller slang so you wont find many older Travellers using it.

My fathers a Traveller but my mothers a Buffer

by KDK23 April 6, 2008

129👍 54👎