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It doesn't happen pretty often, but when it does it very special. It can consist of having a great conversation, dancing , or just living life to the fullest.

Wow, sis, i'm thriving

by KairiDawn January 16, 2019

27👍 8👎


A quiet, Russia enthusiast, nerd that also likes cats, he owns multiple Instagram accounts for his cats. He doesn't like to open up or talk about his feelings, but he's very entertaining. He is very funny and always sending memes whenever the chance is given. He might be entertaining, but doesn't respond very creatively, it's always "Ok", "Cool" or "Ye", which can get annoying, but we love him anyways. Bad flirter.

Ian is a great friend

by KairiDawn January 16, 2019

12👍 6👎


An absolutely amazing gal, she is funny and has amazing taste. She likes Tik Toks. A big crier, always lonely. Best friends with Kairi. Probably emo, probably bi.

Tess, you need to calm down.

by KairiDawn January 16, 2019

3👍 1👎