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Taylor is a beautiful strong minded girl,

She may be one of the most beauitful girls on the out side, But on the inside a Taylor is even better.. She is set on trying to make other people feel better. Also, Taylors lack self confedence, They tend to think of them selves below of what they should, Also, Taylors tend to have many friends, Alot of guy friend to be exact. but she Does have crushes but doesnt tend to fall in love much, So if a taylor does like her be you, Keep her.

They hate people who lie, cheat, or steal,

They can not stand immature people
They hate when people call them " hot" they Would much rather be called beauitful.

Whoa, That girl is outstanding!
Wow.. She must be a Taylor

by Kaka91829182 June 25, 2011

113👍 24👎