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Nathan Fillion created the acronym DRATWATS which is short form for: Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky.

It means that which is:

•totally ecstatically wondrous, across the universe

•endlessly joyfully amazing, throughout the world

•full-on orgasmically blissful, forever and ever

Here are some usage examples for DRATWATS (Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky). (For more examples, see the Twitter page belonging to NathanFillion:)

The TV show Castle is so intense, it's DRATWATS (Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky)."

The movie Serenity was so vivid, it was DRATWATS! (Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky!)."

Nathan Fillion is so spectacular, he's DRATWATS! (Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky!)

by Kcat10 July 17, 2010

2045👍 22013👎


Nathan Fillion created the acronym FODRATWATS. It's short for: Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky.

It means that which is:

•Totally ecstatically wondrous, across the universe, to infinity and beyond.

•Endlessly joyfully amazing, throughout the world.

•Full on orgasmically blissful, forever and ever.

Here are some usage examples for Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky. (For more examples, see the Twitter page belonging to NathanFillion)

Nathan Fillion: "Double XP Weekend is Rocket Race!! FODRATWATS!"

Nathan Fillion, on his Twitter page, kindly acknowledged my entry work defining his recommendation of the new "in" phrase: "Double Rainbow" on Urban Dictionary! He said it is "Full on." Thank you, Nathan. You are so Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky! (FODRATWATS!)

The TV shows Castle and Firefly are so intense, they are Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky! (FODRATWATS!)

Serenity, the feature film starring Nathan Fillion, is so vivid, it's Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky! (FODRATWATS!)

Nathan Fillion is so awesomely spectacular, sexyhotmessgorgeous, and brilliantly talented, his fame is sweeping across the nation, and over all the world! Nathan Fillion is Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky! (FODRATWATS!)

by Kcat10 August 2, 2010

2034👍 32870👎


Nathan Fillion created the acronym ATW, which is short for: All The Way. It is often used in conjunction with another one of his phrases: ATS, which is short for Across The Sky.

It means that which is:

•to infinity and beyond

•across the universe

•to the nth degree

•all the way throughout the world

•forever and ever

Here are some usage examples for ATW (All The Way) including some paraphrased from NathanFillion on his Twitter page:

Why are you so awesome? "Because I'm Double Rainbow ATW. (All The Way)."

The TV shows Castle and Firefly are so intense, they are Double Rainbow, ATW. (All The Way)."

Serenity is so vivid, it's Double Rainbow, ATW! (All The Way)!

Having a Captain Hammer musical would be Double Rainbow, ATW! (All The Way!)

The brilliance of Nathan Fillion is so intense, it's Full On Double Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky! (FO DR ATW ATS!) (These can be combined into one acronym: FODRATWATS!)

by Kcat10 August 2, 2010

2049👍 22993👎

Geek God

Nathan Fillion.

Nathan Fillion is the Geek God. He is the royalty of Comicon, and the beloved ruler of geeks everywhere in the world; nay, the universe.

•He played the role of the adored, yet feared, Captain Malcolm Reynolds of Firefly and Serenity.

•He's a gadget guy who reads Popular Mechanics.

•He said that if he built a robot, it would have a strong heart, and management capabilities.

•He knows that a geekgasm is superior to a nerdgasm.

•He's a geek on the inside, but he's so handsome, sexy, and charismatic, he passes for mainstream.

•He can Jedi Mind Trick you.

•He speaks Klingon.

•His Browncoats affectionately call him "Captain Tightpants."

The Geek God Nathan Fillion is revered, yet he is humble. Here is Nathan's response on his Twitter page to those who declared him the Geek God: "I wouldn't say *that*, but I'm sure glad YOU did!"

•Reason #1 to love Comicon: SexyHotMessGorgeous Geek God Nathan Fillion. He Is Our Beloved King.

•Reason #2 to love Comicon: Nathan Fillion makes you geek extra hard.

•"Reason #3 to luv Comicon- Sexy geeks." ~Nathan Fillion

•"Reason #4 to love Comicon: All the other geeks. Love me some geekage. Double Rainbow." ~Nathan Fillion

•Reason #5: Nathan Fillion kindly praised his people at Comicon, saying they were so nice, polite, and cool. He then said "God bless you all." They cheered in squishy and excited delight.

•Reason #6: Nathan Fillion Single-Handedly Turned The Meaning Of “Geek” Into “Sex God”.

by Kcat10 July 28, 2010

2070👍 22497👎

All The Way Across The Sky

All The Way Across The Sky was created by Nathan Fillion. (Short form: ATWATS.)

It means that which is:

•across the universe

•throughout the world

•forever and ever

Here are some paraphrased usage examples for All The Way Across The Sky from Nathan Fillion and his Twitter page, NathanFillion, among others:

When retweeting someone's tweet, Nathan Fillion said it went: "All the way across the sky."

All The Way Across The Sky can be used in conjunction with other phrases, such as Double Rainbow:

The brilliance of Nathan Fillion is so intense, it's Double Rainbow, even Triple Rainbow, All The Way Across The Sky!

by Kcat10 July 19, 2010

2051👍 23290👎


Nathan Fillion recommends that the new "in" phrase be: Double Rainbow, and its short form is DR.

It means that which is:

•ecstatically wondrous

•joyfully amazing

•orgasmically blissful

Here are some paraphrased usage examples for Double Rainbow, (DR can be used in place of Double Rainbow), from NathanFillion on his Twitter page, among others:

"That pizza was so Double Rainbow (DR). Oh my god."

"Possible responses to "Double Rainbow": -Double Rainbow, all the way. -Starting to look like a TRIPLE Rainbow. -What does it mean?" Answer: "A Full-on Double Rainbow!"

The movie Serenity is so vivid, it's Double Rainbow all the way!

Having a second season of Firefly? Definitely Double Rainbow!.

The brilliance of Nathan Fillion is so intense, it's Double Rainbow all the way! (DR ATW!)

by Kcat10 July 19, 2010

2070👍 22875👎


BSTL is the short form of "Bam, said the lady."

Nathan Fillion is an Emmy-award winning actor par excellence, and he created this highly popular original phrase. "Bam, said the lady", along with its short form, "BSTL", is used as a primarily positive interjection to support prior statements. Here is its meaning as he describes it on his NathanFillion on Twitter page:

"Bam, said the lady" means:

•There you go.

•Done. And... scene.

•Look at that!

•Holy Smoke!

•Slam dunk.

•I'm finished.

•C'est tout."

Nathan Fillion, the gorgeous, sexy, and supremely talented leading man who stars in the fabulous TV series "Castle", also says his phrase on the show!

Here are some of Nathan Fillion's quotes as examples:

(BSTL can be used in place of "Bam, said the lady.")

Example #1:

Nathan Fillion: "That's right. There's this kind of stuff going on in LA. Eat your heart out, NY! Bam, said the lady. "

Example #2:

Nathan Fillion: "Have to work Saturday and Sunday. Birds go hungry. Bam said the lady."

Example #3:

Nathan Fillion: "Just did a Feed the Birds in episode three of Castle. Also, tried to squeeze in obscure Firefly reference. Bam, said the lady."

Example #4:

Nathan Fillion, after completing filming of an episode of Castle: "Episode 4. Scene 34. Bam, said the lady."

Example #5:

Query: "What's a good catch phrase?"

Nathan Fillion: "Mine: Bam, said the lady!"

Example #6:

Nathan Fillion: "The Incredibles was the best movie ever made. Ever. Made. BSTL." (Bam, said the lady.)

Example #7:

Nathan Fillion query: "Anybody else putting BAM, SAID THE LADY into their daily vernacular?"

Nathan Fillion's faithful followers' answer: "Oh, yeah! Bam, said the lady!"

by Kcat10 July 17, 2010

2068👍 22201👎