Source Code


Formerly the tactical World War 2 game Chain Of Command, and now the similar tactical World War 2 game Call Of Combat. Pretty cool, high learning and mastery curve.


Chain Of Command blew up along with 2am.com. There are rumors that it will come back (Under heavy costs to play it) but since Call Of Combat is an exact clone...

by Kenthar November 12, 2003

25👍 28👎


It's what the guys in Time Crisis 2 say when they're about to be bulleted into next week?

I'm gonna die? Shucks!

by Kenthar March 19, 2003

29👍 105👎

magic missile

One of the first, and weakest spells in Dungeons&Dragons and many an RPG

I wanna cast...Magic missile!
Why do you want to cast magic missile, there's nothing to attack here.
I...I'm attacking the darkness!

by Kenthar March 19, 2003

212👍 19👎


A type of chocolate cake that usually has copious amounts of fudge included, making them richer and moister than ordinary cake.

A "special brownie" has no solid definition, but a hilarious connotation.

I like to eat brownies, they taste very good.

"Are those...Special brownies?"
"Yes. Yes they are. You want one?"
"Sure." *munches on it*

by Kenthar March 6, 2004

352👍 286👎


Refers to someone that is stuck-up, or a snob. They must ALWAYS be the leader, and they are always a good leader. Ironically, they always have numerous faults, but never EVER admit to them.

Ryza from NationStates.net is holier-than-thou

by Kenthar July 24, 2003

268👍 102👎


The foxdonut.

The MEC searches tirelessly for this mystical artifact, which is said to bestow its holder the voracious eating powers of vulpines.

"Var er rävmunken?"
"Where is the foxdonut?"

by Kenthar January 28, 2006

58👍 18👎


An enemy.

Guard: "Ho there! Be ye friend or foe?"
Adventurer: "Uh.....Foe."
Guard: "Then begone with thee! I'll not let ye in!"
Adventurer: "No, wait...!"
Guard: "Ho there! Be ye friend or foe?"
Adventurer: "I was just....Friend."
Guard: "I don't know if ye are telling the truth, but I'll let ye in anyway."
Adventurer: "Thanks....moron."

by Kenthar April 22, 2004

796👍 312👎