Source Code


When put into a calculator and flipped upside down (kind of like 5318008), spells "hello"

Just your random useless fact of the day that you probably already know!

by Kenthar October 1, 2003

83πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Playing a sport while in midair.

"Bob and I did some ping-pong airplay while skydiving yesterday."

by Kenthar September 26, 2003

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

allow myself to introduce myself

A really stupid way to say Allow me to introduce myself.

Guy: Allow myself to introduce myself, I'm -
Kenthar: *BANG!* You got deagled, boi!

by Kenthar November 28, 2003

38πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


A lovesick dude in this guy's (William Shake-sphere) play or something.

I had to remake a happy ending for Romeo and Juliet. Romeo got posessed by a demon.

by Kenthar October 13, 2003

161πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž


1. Something that physically cannot be done in a specific situation.

2. An extremely difficult skateboarding trick, hence the name.

1. It's impossible to make a banana milkshake when you have no bananas.

2. Aznsk8rboi777: Hey dude, have you ever done an impossible?
Expert skater: What are you talking about? That's impossible.

by Kenthar April 13, 2004

14πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


1. An event in chess where one side is not checkmated on their turn, yet cannot make any moves that would not put their king into peril. This supposedly results in a draw, making it a strategic thing to shoot for if one is hopelessly losing.

2. An event that includes, but is not limited to war, games, and war games, in which neither side participating gains a major advantage or victory over the other for some time. In games, stalemates are usually not permanent, as it often forces one side to use up all their resources, finally giving way to a victory for the one that managed slightly more carefully.

1. It looked as if he was going to make a dominating win, but his opponent managed a clever stalemate. Better than a full out loss.

2. The Starcraft game dragged on for 2 hours, until Bob ran out of ore but Tom still had a resource base going. It was just a matter of time from there.

by Kenthar February 29, 2004

85πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

deja vu

Déjà vu is the really odd feeling you get when you see something happen the exact same way twice, or when you have done the exact same action before, and are doing it again. Usually the basis is completely improbable, like the other side of your mind is insisting that you could not have possibly seen the thing before.

Déjà vu is also a very kickass J-Pop song by Dave Rodgers.

When I held the sniper rifle in my hand for the first time, it felt like I'd been practicing with it forever. Such déjà vu.

by Kenthar March 11, 2004

58πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž