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1. furry, fur-like, fuzzy, animalistic in appearance with a tendency to act out in a wild, savage, and or fierce manor.

2. savagely brazen or bold, having a primal clarity in directive, as a wild beast, a person, action, function, or idea: a furocious exposition

3. intense or extreme: a furocious hunger

—Synonyms 1. ravenous, relentless, furvid, veracious

—Related forms
fur·o·cious·ly, adverb
fur·o·cious·ness, noun

The furocious kitty growled and hissed at the mailman.

by Kepster February 14, 2010

21👍 3👎



"See." is a quick response of affirmation as if to say "Isn't that right!" or "You know that's true!"

also could replace the common exclamation "Would you look at that!"

The proper response to the statement "He always does that crap!" would be "See!"

by Kepster December 4, 2010

92👍 23👎