Source Code

faux pas

A major breach of etiquette. In other words a social blunder.

Girl: Can I play the guitar next to Keith in church?
Boy (loudly so that every churchgoer in the congregattion can hear): So you fancy him them?
Now, my boy, that is a faux pas.

by Kerb November 28, 2004

545πŸ‘ 309πŸ‘Ž


1. A fur coat garment, with hood, worn by Eskimos or Inuits.

2. A Western imitation of such garment, full of cheap insulating material, and lined with fake fur.

3. Garments worn by trainspotters, etc.

4. Train spotters, plane spotters, pylon spotters, bus spotters, mail van spotters, hearse spotters, Formula 1 spotters, 666 spotters, etc.

My name is John and I am an anorak. I am physically and psychologically addicted to spotting.

by Kerb November 29, 2004

53πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

clip joint

A so-called hostess bar, with names like "Pink Pussy House", where a ugly skanky whore stands in the doorway attempting to attract the attention of a mark.

The mark, should he be seduced by "porno film showing" or "live sex right now", is charged £5 entry fee, and is led into the bar.

The bar is a badly decorated room, usually empty, with cheap tables, and reggae music playing in the background. The front girl returns to the front door.

An equally trashy ho waitress brings the mark a menu advertising a pint of beer for £4, glass of champagne for £10, basically drinks at double the local pub prices.

Mark buys pint of beer for £4, but get served a glass of watered down piss.

A large male then presents him with a bill for anything between £100-£500, depending on how rich Mark look.

If the mark haven't the cash on him, a second large male suddenly appear out of nowhere, and the two large men escorts the mark to the nearest cash machine, so that the mark can withdraw the cash.

They may not explicitly threaten violence, but look hard enough so as too discourage Mark not to mess about with them.

There are several in London. After ripped off tourists complain to Westminster Office of Fair Trading, an official accompanied by a vanload of police officers close down the place.

Magically, a few days later, another so-called hostess bar reopens under a new name, run by the same outfit.

Mark entered a clip joint and left with £375 lighter, and with an intense desire to kill one of those filthy hos.

by Kerb November 28, 2004

44πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

world wide web

Part of the Internet that is accessible to the general public by subscribing to Internet Service Providers (ISP).

Abbreviated to www.

My mother use AOL to access the World Wide Web.

by Kerb November 28, 2004

68πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A sport where two teams of 15 men wrestle on the grass with an oval ball.
Players are usually big, 16 stones, and does not feel pain or cold.

Small skinny players tend to last only 5 minutes.

Robin played rugby yesterday and broke his teeth.

by Kerb November 28, 2004

50πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Quality Control

A method whereby the Urban Dictionary gets cleaned up, otherwise it would get filled with "Flubby Wubby is gay", incitement to racial hatred, and juvenile verbal diarrhoea.

At a job interview at the local biscuit factory for Quality Controller.
Interviewer: "so, what do you do in your spare time?"
Candidate: "Oh surf the net, and visit Urban Dictionary."
Interviwer: "Really? I do that too! Do you Quality Control there?"
Candidate: "Yes, I clean off all that juvenile jibber-jabber."
Interviewer: "Welcome to the Biscuit Factory! You have just got the job!"

I defined a word, then did some quality
Everytime the Quality Controller define a word, I deleted 10 defintions, then clicked on 5 removes.

by Kerb December 1, 2004

7πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

football supporters

People who actually enjoy watching twenty five men run around a field of grass after an inflated pigs bladder.

Jill: Ooh this looks like a nice pub!
Jack: No no! This one is full of football supporters watching the Cap Final!

by Kerb December 1, 2004

9πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž