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Plural of rave.

More than one underground warehouse party, filled with dancing young people out of it on E.

My Vincent stopped going to raves and now likes to barefoot boogie.

by Kerb November 28, 2004

67πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


To insufflate, that is, breathe in a line of powdered solid through a straw up one's nostril. Usu. applied to cocaine or ketamine.

He had to roll up a dollar bill to snort his K.

by Kerb November 28, 2004

117πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


A dance orginating in the 1980's where the joints of the body move in a sequence along the arms, torso, legs, so a wave appears to travel along the body.

Trevor won the international Bodypopping Contest this year.

by Kerb November 28, 2004

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

vogon poetry

1. Poetry recited by a Vogon or by several Vogons, and is the third worst Poetry in the galaxy.

2. Any poetry recited in a slow repetitive lilt that goes on for eternity, and makes one want to yell at the poet, "Shut up!!!", scream, and punch him in the gob.

Ralph recited some poetry at the Arts Festival, and he went on and on and on, in a slow drawn-out lilt. After 15 minutes the audience got so fed up, shouted "Vogon Poetry!" and pelted him with rotten vegetables and used condoms.

by Kerb November 29, 2004

26πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Abbreviation found on lavatory cubicle in Apartheid-era South Africa.

One cubicle has WC on it.
The other has FUCK on it - "For Us Coloured Kids"

I went to South Africa last year and FUCK was still on that toilet door!

by Kerb November 29, 2004

31πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


To dress up as members of foreign royalty, sheiks, film stars, and book a tour on the state of the art naval warship, such as the Dreadnought. Thereby making the (insert nation) Navy looking like a right pillock.

What a prank! Bunga Bunga!

by Kerb November 29, 2004

5πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

paris hilton

1. Noun: A Hilton hotel in Paris, France.

2. Person: A cunt on bird legs.

I surfed the net and came across Paris Hilton.

by Kerb November 28, 2004

318πŸ‘ 164πŸ‘Ž